kreativistika„Kreativistika“ is a holistic concept born after many years of education and hands on experience gained through workshops of creativity, bodywork and natural ways of healing. The main goals of this concept are re-connecting with creative force, re-learning the Body-Mind-Soul connection and grounding in Nature.
Methods used in this concept facilitate changes in Energy, Mental and Body aspect of a person.

Fonuder of the Kreativistika concept is Simonida Zorić Jančić, licenced Bach flower essences practicioner and creativity coach.

Who is it for?

  • for highly sensitive people (HSPs)
  • for creative persons/artist who feel stuck, blocked in creative process or feel stage fright, fear of criticism, low self-esteem
  • for right-brainers, multi-potentialities (creative people with many passions and interest who cannot commit to one activity or discern priorities and goals)
  • for those who need to revive their joy of living and gain clarity, lightness and fun through creativity
  • for those who need reconnecting with their Intuition and Inner Guidance
  • for those who feel stressed out, burnt-out and running on empty
  • for curious souls who want to learn how to use holistic self-help (crystals, Bach Flower Remedies, colors, aromatherapy remedies…)
  • for those who want better contact with their purpose

How Kreativistika concept works?

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